Remote Work Business Continuity: Best Practices

Published on : 05 Apr 2024

Business Continuity

Incorporating remote work among companies has been one of the developments in recent years. In fact, a staggering 98% of employees express their desire to have this kind of dynamic in their jobs. The shift is here to stay as more and more organizations are adopting it as part of their work culture because of its many advantages. This integration is essential as employers move forward with their business continuity plans.

As the paradigm shift continues, businesses modify their operations to ensure that productivity remains paramount. This article will discuss the best practices when it comes to business continuity in the remote work era. Continue reading to learn more.

Remote access solutions

Technological tools like remote access solutions pave the way for a safe online work. Streamlining the corporate resources being implemented in the workplace is what these solutions are all about. Examples of these are cloud-based apps, communications software, and collaboration tools, among others.

A managed service provider or MSP for business helps employers implement all these so they can focus on their immediate responsibilities. Furthermore, complementing it with a managed security service provider (MSSP) ensures IT systems are secure and protected from malicious software threats. It acts like a fortress bolstering day-to-day operations, making sure there are no hitches.

Data privacy and security

Protecting your data and taking preventive measures to keep it away from fraudsters is important in the era of remote work. Given that all your operations are happening with just a few clicks, securing it every step of the way should be a priority in your business.

The following are some of the consequences when data privacy and security are compromised:

  • Productivity loss. Operational interruption happens when cybersecurity is breached. A file falling into the wrong hands or credentials being revealed to unauthorized personnel could spell lost productivity and revenue.
  • Tainted reputation. Data breaches don’t easily get overlooked. Clients can have a distorted perception of you because of it, leading to years of repercussions to your identity.
  • Recovery cost. The aftermath of a data security concern could change the landscape of your business, depending on the incident. The road to recovery could be expensive if it involves customer complaints, internal investigation, and legal proceedings.

Cybersecurity measures such as data encryption, two-step verification, and stringent policies on data access are some of the things that should be implemented in order to minimize online threats.

Also, training employees in the appropriate handling of data will significantly improve security. More than 80% of cyberattacks are attributed to human error. But by educating members on managing their passwords, identifying potential scams, and practicing proper file sharing, cases of compromise will be reduced.

business continuity remote work

Effective communication

Doubling down on communication is more highlighted in remote settings. Conveying your needs and concerns serves as a lifeline in upkeeping business continuity because personnel are in different locations and, possibly, in different time zones. Prioritizing an intuitive and user-friendly communication platform ensures team members are engaged and informed. 

Having regular meetings and recording them for future reference, updating everyone on what’s latest in the company, and facilitating real-time messaging are the cornerstones for effective communication.

Employee well-being and engagement

The most important asset of any business is its employees, so employers must see to it that their members are taken care of. This is crucial because working remotely and staring at the computer screen for prolonged hours could result in burnout, demotivation, and isolation. All of these ultimately lead to hampered business operations.

Employees appreciate it when they feel that the organization they’re pouring their work into cares for their welfare. Providing opportunities for socialization, virtual programs for rest and recreation, or anything that promotes work-life balance all contribute to better overall health and satisfaction of employees.

Emphasis on accountability and trust

Working remotely calls for a more profound sense of accountability and trust within the business because people don’t always see each other. The setup also enables flexibility to accomplish tasks whenever and wherever, as long as they finish the job. This isn’t to say that there’d be no policies or guidelines. But by doing regular check-ins, establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), and using project management software can ensure focus even if employees aren’t together in an office.


Continuity in the era of remote work could look different for each business. This is because they have unique needs and concerns. There’s no one-size-fits-all, but there are principles that can guide you moving forward. By placing an emphasis on the practices above, your organization will thrive for the years to come. Consider the ideas mentioned here as you plan and prepare.


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Narendra Sahoo
Narendra Sahoo

Narendra Sahoo (PCI QPA, PCI QSA, PCI SSF ASSESSOR, CISSP, CISA, CRISC, 27001 LA) is the Founder and Director of VISTA InfoSec, a global Information Security Consulting firm, based in the US, Singapore & India. Mr. Sahoo holds more than 25 years of experience in the IT Industry, with expertise in Information Risk Consulting, Assessment, & Compliance services. VISTA InfoSec specializes in Information Security audit, consulting and certification services which include GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, NESA, MAS-TRM, PCI DSS Compliance & Audit, PCI PIN, SOC2 Compliance & Audit, PDPA, PDPB to name a few. The company has for years (since 2004) worked with organizations across the globe to address the Regulatory and Information Security challenges in their industry. VISTA InfoSec has been instrumental in helping top multinational companies achieve compliance and secure their IT infrastructure.